Thursday, June 6, 2013

Alsobrooks will not investigate bribery acusations against Sheriff Davis!

We have received some very interesting information and evidence against Sheriff Davis and other individuals. We have had time to review much of the information and listen to a few interviews of an individual who has “alleged” they paid Sheriff Davis to protect their drug operation. We will not be releasing those recordings to the public yet for we have been asked to hold them until the Federal government has had ample to review them and to investigate this matter. The individual who furnished the Independent with this information has turned them over to the Federal government as well and has asked DA Alsobrooks to request a Special Prosecutor to investigate the “allegations.” While we have complete confidence in the Justice Department, we have been told that DA Alsobrooks has refused to review the matter. It would be a great help if the public contacted DA Alsobrooks and asked him why is he "allegedly" protecting Sheriff Davis concerning these accusations? We will be releasing what we can over the next few days. Stay tuned Humphreys County and stay safe!

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