Saturday, May 4, 2013

This video was taken from a camera inside a private citizen’s vehicle in Dickson County, TN. The citizen decided to go to Waffle House after putting his infant child to sleep. However before he could reach the Cheese Streak, he was after. A deputy from the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office stops him for “loud” music and/or mufflers.  However, in the video, you see this citizen pass the deputy on a different traffic stop and there is no “Phantom Soundtrack” of muffler and music blaring as they pass each other. This citizen is on probation and being so he has limited rights against searches preformed when stopped by the police. However, other civil rights remain whole and intact. Either they must know you are on probation and conduct the search or preform a legal stop and then ID you has being on probation. However, it is clear the deputy did not know this citizen was on probation until he received the information over his radio, so it goes back to having no probable cause or reasonable suspension to make the stop and then conducting what he felt was a valid search. The deputy confirms that fact when he “misrepresents” the cause for making the stop to begin with!

1 comment:

  1. If more people record bad cops, they can be weeded out. They give the majority of good cops a bad name.


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